Ruth is a consultant specializing in project management, strategic planning, and business transformation. She is a graduate of the University of MD, College Park with a B.A in Criminal Justice. Ruth’s background is diverse as she has worked with many government clients such as DHS, DOD, and HHS. Her focus has always been to solve clients’ problems, she has done this by identifying stakeholders needs and developing key deliverables to drive project success and implementation.
My favorite quote: “Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.” - Christian D. Larson
Where I find inspiration: When I push myself outside of my comfort zone and try new things. The challenge may not be easy, but it helps me grow and learn from those experiences.
My favorite motto: Just do it
At the top of my bucket list: Explore Southwest Asia and climb Mt. Everest.